
Last night, my baby suddenly started running a fever. I gave him some fever-reducing medicine, and he felt better. However, by the third day at dawn, he had a fever again. After taking the medicine again, his fever subsided shortly thereafter. By noon, he had another fever and was given intravenous drips before returning home, only to have a fever again that evening. He felt very hot but his hands and feet were cold.


Fever is mainly related to infections, including viral, bacterial, and mycoplasma infections. Before the infection is controlled, fever may occur repeatedly. A follow-up consultation has been conducted, and it is recommended to follow medical instructions for focused treatment. If diagnosed with a bacterial infection, symptoms are expected to gradually improve after approximately 48 to 72 hours of anti-infection treatment; if it is a viral infection, improvement can be expected after about 3 to 5 days. When the body temperature exceeds 38.5°C, oral fever-reducing medication can be used to alleviate symptoms. These are the suggestions for the question “Last night, my baby suddenly started running a fever,” hoping it will be helpful to you. Wishing you health!