What possible complications may arise in children with epilepsy?
Depending on the patient’s condition and type of epilepsy, children with epilepsy may experience a variety of complications, which may include but are not limited to:
- Brain damage: Due to excessive electrical discharge in the brain during seizures, it may lead to brain damage, affecting cognitive function and learning abilities.
- Psychological and social issues: Recurrent seizures may cause anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems, impacting the quality of life of the child.
- Malnutrition: Since seizures may be accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, long-term effects can lead to malnutrition.
- Accidents and injuries: Seizures may result in accidents like falls and fractures. Parents should closely monitor their child’s condition changes, regularly taking them to neurology appointments to detect and manage potential complications promptly. At the same time, ensure that the child receives appropriate medical care and nutritional support to reduce the risk of complications.