
An eleven-month-old baby accidentally stepped into the gap between the bed and the window yesterday noon, causing a bump on the left side of the head and a scrape on the left hand, as well as bruising on the cheek. After comforting the baby yesterday, they continued to play, and no measures were taken by the parents. Tonight, it was discovered that the baby keeps hitting the back of their head with their hand. What is the issue here? What should I do?


Based on the description, an infant experienced an accidental fall resulting in head and facial injuries. One day later, the infant began to hit the back of their head, which may be due to pain or discomfort in that area. Since infants cannot express their pain, it is advisable to take them to a neurosurgery department for a follow-up examination immediately and conduct a detailed check-up, preferably with a brain CT scan, to determine if there are any brain injuries or related conditions and to receive timely treatment.