
Should I be concerned if my child’s hand was cut last Thursday evening and they haven’t received a tetanus shot?


Last Thursday evening, your child’s hand was cut by a stainless steel clip, resulting in bleeding. After applying the medicine, iodine was used for sterilization, and Yunnan Baiyao was applied as well. However, they haven’t received a tetanus shot yet—should you be concerned? Based on your description, the wound is not deep and is relatively shallow; therefore, it may not require tetanus antitoxin without anesthesia. It is recommended to always maintain good hygiene of the affected area, avoid water contact, and consume more digestible foods rich in vitamins, while avoiding spicy and irritating foods. These are the suggestions for the question “Last Thursday evening, my child’s hand was cut by a stainless steel clip.” I hope this helps you, and wish you good health!