
Is it normal for a baby who is one month and six days old to have multiple bowel movements a day? How should the frequency of breastfeeding be defined as abnormal? What characterizes normal bowel movement properties? I have been giving my baby lactobacillus granules every day, but I think it’s necessary. However, the baby seems to have stomach pain and discomfort after eating them, so I want to know if lactobacillus granules need to be given every day?


According to the description, it is normal for a breastfed baby to have 3-4 bowel movements a day or once every 3-4 days. The stool color should be golden yellow and may contain some milk curds. Generally, if a baby has bowel movements once every two days or once every three days, it is considered normal and there is no need to worry too much. If the baby’s bowel movement interval exceeds 4-5 days, it is advisable to take the baby to the hospital for gastrointestinal examination, where some probiotics or probiotic opsonize can be given. As long as the baby is in good spirits and has normal growth and development, there is no problem.