
An 80-day-old baby has been found to have a red-bordered white spot lesion about the size of a thumb on the inside of the upper gums. Could this be a sign of an oral ulcer? The baby is on a mixed feeding regimen, and the mother’s diet is balanced, but why is the baby still developing ulcers, and how should they be treated?


I’m glad to help clarify your concerns. Based on your description, the lesion appears to match the characteristics of an oral ulcer. I recommend taking your child to an oral medicine department for a face-to-face examination to confirm the diagnosis before administering any medication. Additionally, ensure the baby drinks some warm water to avoid catching a cold. This is my suggestion for the question “Is the red-bordered white spot lesion found on the inside of an 80-day-old baby’s upper gums a sign of an oral ulcer?” I hope this helps and wish you all the best in your health!