
My baby has a severe cough every morning when waking up, and there’s a stuffy nose and a sensation of phlegm in the throat. During the day, the frequency of coughing decreases significantly. A chest X-ray was performed, but no inflammation was found. The baby has been taking pediatric lung heat-clearing syrup for about five days, but there has been no noticeable effect. What could be the cause? Thank you very much.


If your baby has obvious obvious nasal congestion and phlegm, it is recommended to switch to an oral medication. This medication is suitable for otorhinolaryngological conditions and is used to treat rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and bronchitis, among other conditions, with the effects of stabilizing nasal breathing and cooling the blood. This is a traditional Chinese medicine and can be taken for 1 to 2 weeks. For a baby six months old, take it three times a day, with 5 drops each time. Additionally, when your baby’s nose is severely congested, you can use a warm, damp towel to apply cold compresses to the fontanelle to effectively stabilize nasal breathing. Please note that the towel temperature should not be too high to avoid scalding the baby.