
A 5-month-old baby has a fever, reaching 37.9 degrees Celsius at night. The parents have given the baby fever-reducing medicine and fever-reducing patches, but the baby’s temperature has not dropped. The parents are worried whether they should take the baby to the hospital.


In the case of a baby with a fever, if the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, you can first give the baby acetaminophen to reduce the fever and it is best to take the baby to the hospital for a blood count check to determine the nature of the infection. Additionally, you can give the baby pediatric paracetamol granules, ambroxol oral solution, and cefixime for treatment. If the body temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, you can first observe at home, but if the baby shows discomfort or the temperature continues to rise, you should take the baby to the hospital immediately.