
An 11-month-old girl has shown signs of fever since yesterday morning, with a temperature of about 38.2 degrees Celsius, and no other obvious symptoms such as coughing or runny nose. Her temperature dropped below 38.5 degrees in the evening, and half an hour after taking ibuprofen, her temperature returned to normal. This morning, her temperature rose again to about 38.2 degrees, and she went to the hospital for a finger blood test, which diagnosed her with an acute upper respiratory infection. The doctor prescribed medication and said the symptoms might last for 3 days. However, her temperature rose again to 39 degrees in the afternoon, and her temperature did not decrease after taking ibuprofen. How should one handle this situation? Additionally, can the finger blood test results rule out blood diseases such as leukemia? Since the house was recently renovated two months ago and windows were frequently opened for ventilation, there is concern about the potential impact of formaldehyde on the baby. Please clarify, thank you.
