
A three-month-old baby developed nasal congestion and runny nose symptoms about half a month ago. The baby has stopped running a nose, and everything is normal during the day, even when sleeping at night. However, towards the latter half of the night, a whistling sound starts deep in the baby’s nostrils, causing pain and disturbing the nap. What could be the cause of this? Is it a symptom of allergies, or is the cold still not healed? How should this problem be addressed?


Since the baby does not have nasal congestion during the day and the nose is also clear during sleep, the combined symptoms may indicate mild adenoid hypertrophy or slight nasal congestion that becomes apparent during deep breathing at night. Babies are more sensitive to cold air, so it’s not uncommon to experience this situation again. Typically, no special treatment is needed because many medications are not suitable for infants. As the child grows older and their immune system strengthens, the condition usually resolves naturally.