
My son is 4 years old and has been saying he has a sore throat. I noticed that swallowing seems a bit difficult, and now he has a persistent high fever. How should I treat pediatric tonsillitis?


Antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications can be administered for treatment, and while undergoing systemic treatment, regional treatments can also be chosen to enhance efficacy, such as tonsil pocket irrigation or direct injection of medication into the tonsils. If there is a sore throat, painkillers can be given; if the child continues to have a fever, parents can also administer fever-reducing medications or take the child to the hospital immediately. These are common treatment methods. If the child’s tonsillitis recurs frequently, it is recommended to consider surgical treatment as soon as possible. Parents should pay attention to this disease, take their children for early medical treatment, and also pay attention to related preventive and health care work in their daily lives.