
A one-and-a-half-year-old child fell out of bed, landed on the head, and quickly developed a large bump that turned purple. Is this a problem? The child is currently in good spirits and shows no other discomfort, only occasionally touching the injured area with their hand. Do they need further detailed examination?


When a child falls out of bed and sustains a head injury with soft tissue damage and swelling, if the child is in good spirits and has not shown symptoms like vomiting or loss of appetite, there is no need to worry excessively. Within 24 hours, cold compresses can be applied to the affected area to prevent further swelling. After 48 hours, you can start with cold compresses and use Yunnan Baiyao aerosol spray to relieve pain. Continue to observe the child’s behavior, and if any abnormalities are noticed, seek medical attention immediately. Wishing the child a swift recovery.