
My baby hasn’t been able to sleep through the night since birth, and the situation is getting worse. They cry awake after a short nap, and when I pick them up, they calm down and fall asleep again. This happens both day and night. They fall asleep when held but wake up when put down, and they also cry and fuss. Could this be due to a calcium deficiency? Have you seen a doctor? What kind of help are you looking for?


I believe your baby may be experiencing unstable deep sleep due to a calcium deficiency, leading to symptoms such as night terrors, restlessness, and excessive sweating. Has your baby started on complementary feeding yet? Babies of this age should be introduced to complementary feeding in a timely manner to meet their growth and development needs. In addition to medication supplementation, I suggest you consider dietary calcium supplementation for safety reasons, as it can avoid the potential side effects of medication, such as poisoning or growth retardation. I recommend that you take your baby for a trace element test and ensure they have an adequate water intake. At this age, your baby can start consuming complementary foods such as rice porridge, rice puree, thin gruel, egg yolks, fish puree, vegetable puree, tofu, etc.