
My baby just turned 2 years old and is very fond of watching TV, showing little interest in the surrounding things. He often doesn’t respond when called by name. He will only turn his head to look when mentioned about something he is interested in, like ‘Peppa Pig’. He likes to line up or stack items and is also very happy when playing with other children. When he wants to have milk, he will take the milk powder can to show you, and even bring snacks he doesn’t want to eat in front of you to ask you to open them. He can play happily with friends and can also play alone for a long time. Are these behavioral traits possible signs of autism? The family is very worried that his reluctance to talk and his preference for lining up toys might be signs of autism.


According to your description, it is generally normal for boys to develop language expression later. As long as the child’s hearing is fine, there is usually no need to worry too much. It is recommended that parents take their child to the hospital for further examination. If the examination results show everything is normal, then parents can rest assured.