
A 17-month-old baby has been suffering from diarrhea for several days, and started to have a fever on the third day, possibly due to catching a cold during naptime. After taking Cefuroxime dry suspension and Children’s Lung Heat Clear Granules, the fever has subsided, but the coughing has become more severe. How should this be handled? Should the medication continue to be taken? Do other medications need to be administered? What should the diet be like? Please attach the blood test report and seek assistance from a doctor for diagnosis and illness prediction.


According to the routine blood test results, the situation is manageable. If the coughing is severe, it is recommended to visit a local hospital for a physical examination, listen for any abnormal lung sounds, and conduct an X-ray to determine if there is pneumonia. If there are no issues, it may just be an upper respiratory infection, and you can increase the dosage of Ambroxol oral solution. In case of lower respiratory tract infection, it is best to administer intravenous injections and perform nebulization therapy. These are the suggestions for the question “What to Do for a 17-Month-Old Baby with Diarrhea and Fever?” I hope this helps you; wishing you good health.