
The 17-month-old baby ate noodles on the evening of the 10th and began to vomit in the early morning of the 11th. Initially, it was thought to be due to overeating. Subsequent blood and stool tests confirmed acute gastroenteritis, and treatment was administered. At around 3 AM on the 12th, the baby developed a fever symptom, which was checked by the doctor and found to be normal. A fever-reducing medicine was prescribed, with instructions to use it when the temperature is below 38.5°C. After returning home, there was no further fever, but today there has been an increase in diarrhea, with four episodes since 3 AM. I would like to inquire about this situation and whether it feels that the condition has worsened? The baby is in good condition and had a normal dinner. How long does it usually take for acute gastroenteritis to heal?


Acute gastroenteritis is common in children under 1.5 years old, with main symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and fever. If symptoms are severe or persistent, a stool culture may be necessary to detect the presence of bacteria, viruses, or parasites. For children with severe heart failure, close monitoring of electrolyte balance and kidney function is required. The above suggestions are for the question “How to Handle an Acute Gastroenteritis in a 17-Month-Old Baby?” I hope this helps you and your baby stay healthy!