
Two days ago at noon, two babies experienced an increase in bowel movements, with the stools maintaining their shape. From noon until evening, there were 4 to 5 occurrences. The next day, the stools became loose, with a total of 5 episodes of diarrhea from the night before until noon yesterday. The babies are in good spirits. They returned to their hometown about 10 days ago and have no other medical history. I would like to know the possible cause. Grandparents believe it might be due to excessive dampness. How should it be handled?


Regarding your question, the baby’s diarrhea may be related to not acclimatized and catching a cold. Suggestions: You can try giving the baby Montmorillonite powder. If there is no improvement, then it is advisable to go to the hospital for a routine stool examination to confirm the diagnosis and receive symptomatic treatment. In these few days, maintain a light diet, avoid extremely cold and greasy foods, and pay attention to keeping warm. Wishing your baby a speedy recovery. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you health!