
My baby, who is 9 months old, vomited twice on the night a week ago and had a fever of about 38 degrees. After physical cooling, there was no more fever, but then the baby lost appetite and urination decreased. Stool is sometimes normal and sometimes yellowish diarrhea. Is it a digestive system problem? How should I adjust the diet?


The baby’s gastrointestinal mucosa swelled due to the fever, and since the baby is only 9 months old, its various functions are not yet mature. The vomiting accompanied by fever was handled well and promptly, but there is definitely a recovery process needed. Consider that the digestive system may not have fully recovered yet, and family members should not be overly anxious. It is recommended to mainly provide easily digestible foods when offering complementary foods, increase water intake appropriately, ensure good indoor air circulation, and pay attention to warmth. Observe the baby for a few days; if there are no unusual discomforts, recovery will be quick.