
A 7-year-old boy, in first grade, follows school rules and studies diligently, but he will feel anxious or complete his homework even before it is assigned by the teacher. However, when it’s time to go to school, he will cry and fuss because he feels there is homework left undone. No matter how parents persuade or scold, it doesn’t work. Experts, why is this happening?


The child’s excessive stress may be the cause of this behavior. They might feel sad because they are worried about being criticized by the teacher for unfinished homework. In such cases, parents should avoid forcing their children to do too much homework and instead spend more time playing with them. At such a young age, just starting first grade, having this kind of problem can be harmful to future learning. Therefore, parents must guide well, spend more time with their children, consider all issues from the child’s perspective, and make the child feel that no matter what difficulties arise, parents will bear them together rather than alone.