
An 18-month-old baby has been experiencing continuous diarrhea after recovering from a cold. There were eight episodes of diarrhea yesterday, and so far today, there have been five. The stool in the morning is more thick, while in the afternoon, it is very thin, with greenish and egg-white-like consistency, sometimes resembling water. The baby has lost interest in drinking milk. Montmorillonite powder and probiotics have been administered for treatment, but there has been no improvement. What should be done?


The baby’s condition appears to be a gastrointestinal dysfunction, possibly caused by exposure to cold, unclean food, or overeating. It is recommended to actively treat and prevent further issues. Pay attention to keeping warm, avoid cold exposure, drink plenty of warm water, consume vegetables and fruits, and take oral gastric digestion tablets and lichenin Bacillus cereus live bacteria capsules for treatment. Maintain a regular diet and temporarily reduce food intake to alleviate gastrointestinal pressure. If dehydration is severe, intravenous fluid replacement may be necessary to prevent electrolyte imbalance.