
My child has been constantly sneezing without any effective treatment and no other symptoms. On January 25th, they had a cold with clear runny nose and sneezing, and after taking cold medicine and Ribavirin, they improved, but they still have a runny nose. They don’t have any allergic hereditary diseases. How can I stop them from sneezing?


This condition in children is usually due to acute upper respiratory infection, which is mostly caused by viral infections, with a few cases being bacterial infections. It may trigger symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, coughing, fever, and sore throat. Treatment options include taking Sanjiu Cold Remedy Granules, Amoxicillin Capsules, Xiling Detox Tablets, and Licorice Tablets. Intravenous treatment may be necessary in some cases. Stay hydrated, eat a light diet, and avoid spicy and cold foods. Pay attention to staying warm, avoid catching a cold, and carefully observe your child. Adjusting to good living habits can help.