
For the past three months, the child has been eating well, but recently, they have lost their appetite and are always having diarrhea. Will the problem become serious? Will this affect the child’s gastrointestinal function? How is this condition formed? Is it caused by feeding? Whenever I prepare food for the child, they eat a few bites and then stop, no matter what they are eating. When will this improve? Do I need to keep taking digestive medicine? They also don’t sleep well at night, always moving around. Is this situation serious? I am very worried, and I hope you can give me some advice. Thank you.


Symptoms of zinc deficiency include anorexia, with zinc deficiency leading to a decrease in taste and appetite, increased bowel movements, decreased absorption ability, slow growth and development, sparse and yellow hair, and a higher susceptibility to colds and decreased immunity, making it easier to catch diseases such as vomiting and colds. The first choice for zinc supplementation is dietary supplements, consuming more foods rich in zinc such as fish, lean meat, liver, egg yolks, dairy products, and seafood like oysters and abalone. Eating hard-shelled foods like chestnuts, walnuts, and peanuts is also recommended. Traditional Chinese medicine for zinc supplementation can also be effective, for example,Polygonum multiflorum has a high zinc content. The above suggestions are for the question “Is it serious if a child eats too much and often has diarrhea?” I hope this helps you, and wish you health.