
My baby is 5 months old and has been experiencing intermittent fever today, accompanied by sneezing but no coughing. There is also white matter on the gums. Is the baby teething? Is this related to the fever? Thank you. The fever temperature is between 37.5 and 39.3 degrees Celsius.


Teething is a normal part of a baby’s growth process, and some babies may experience a fever or feel hot during this time. Parents should simply provide proper care. If the baby’s body temperature does not exceed 38°C and they are in good spirits and have normal appetite, no special treatment is needed; just ensure the baby drinks plenty of fluids. If the body temperature goes over 38.5°C and is accompanied by symptoms such as mood instability or refusal to eat, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. The doctor will conduct a detailed examination to determine if there are other infections. Wishing the baby a speedy recovery.