
The mother’s head accidentally hit the fontanelle of a six-month-old baby, causing a large indentation. Can it recover? Will this affect the child’s intelligence and language skills? Since the accident two days ago, the child no longer enjoys talking and laughing as much as before. They have become quieter and less talkative. Could this be due to the injury?


The fontanelle is a diamond-shaped suture in the central part of the anterior half of an infant’s head. It typically begins to close gradually by six months of age, with the latest closure occurring around one and a half years. If accidentally injured, as long as the baby does not exhibit any abnormal mental state, vomiting, or other symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, no special treatment is usually required. However, if the baby shows any abnormal mental state, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a doctor’s diagnosis. I hope this information is helpful.