
My child has grown about a dozen teeth now, but the upper teeth are not only sparse but also very small. Is this a normal situation? The doctor said there’s nothing wrong, but I’m a bit worried. What should I do?


Once the baby teeth emerge, it’s important to start brushing them to prevent cavities caused by bacteria and sugar. After the baby gets accustomed to cleaning their teeth daily, you can start using toothpaste, although it’s not mandatory. Additionally, avoid letting the child sleep with a bottle to prevent tooth decay. Before bedtime, if the child has eaten sweets or candy, clean their mouth to reduce the risk of cavities. translationKey,department,title,ask,answer pediatric-67887,Pediatrics Other,What to do if a child’s upper teeth are sparse?,My child has grown about a dozen teeth since birth, but the upper teeth are sparse and small. I’m not sure if this is a normal phenomenon. The doctor said there’s nothing wrong, but I’m a bit scared. What should I do.,How to deal with sparse upper teeth in infants.,Brushing the teeth. Once the baby teeth emerge, bacteria have already started to gather in the mouth, which can compress sugar to produce acid. As soon as the first baby tooth appears, it is exposed to an environment containing sugary foods. Initially, the teeth can be cleaned with two pieces of cloth or a clean towel. After the baby gets used to daily tooth cleaning, you can start using a small amount of toothpaste, but it is not necessary. 2. Prevent sleeping with a bottle. Frequent sugar intake and sugary food residues left in the mouth for a long time are the major factors contributing to tooth decay. To prevent tooth decay, children should not be allowed to sleep with a bottle. The sugars contained in drinks and milk are harmful to emerging teeth,