
My daughter is four and a half years old. She was fine with kindergarten before, but after she had a fever and I brought her home, she’s been saying she doesn’t want to go back. She cries every day. The doctor checked her and said she’s fine, but she still doesn’t want to go to school, and it’s been a week now. Nothing special has happened at school, so what should I do?


Your daughter’s situation is quite common among young children. She may not want to go to kindergarten due to her discomfort with unfamiliar environments or a lack of freedom. Here are some suggestions: First, you should persist in taking her to kindergarten every day and communicate with the teachers, only bringing her home when there are actual issues confirmed. Second, you can encourage her at home, letting her understand the fun aspects of kindergarten, such as learning new things and making friends. Once she adapts to the environment and has friends, this situation should improve. Additionally, you can collaborate with the teachers to make your child feel more comfortable and confident at school.