
A three-month-old baby often has green stools, sometimes deep green, sometimes light green, sometimes like mucus, and sometimes very runny. This condition has persisted for more than ten days. Today, there was a bowel movement that was as thin as water. The child is in good spirits and weighs 14.5 jin. Previously, the baby had a bowel movement once a day, with yellow stools and very regular. What could be the cause of this? Is the baby sick? The child is currently taking compound pancreatin powder. How should it be handled?


The baby’s stool condition may primarily be caused by dyspepsia, and it’s not ruled out that there may be enteritis. First, it’s necessary to check the baby’s stool regularly to determine if there is inflammation or just dyspepsia. If the child is breastfed, the mother should pay attention to her diet, avoiding fatty and difficult-to-digest foods. If the child is fed formula milk, it can be temporarily switched to a dyspepsia formula milk until the stool returns to normal, after which the regular formula milk can be resumed.