The baby’s gumline at the front teeth has grown a purulent lump that looks like a piece of meat, but it’s not painful. There was a similar situation when they were little, and it was treated then. However, this lump cannot be eliminated through treatment now and looks like a piece of meat.
Based on your description, it may be a periodontal abscess, possibly related to tooth decay. Has the tooth appeared to have become discolored? Sometimes milk teeth only have roots left, which may cause root inflammation and lead to periodontal abscesses. While milk teeth can be replaced, problems with permanent teeth require timely attention and may necessitate a visit to an oral clinic. If treatment is indeed needed, it should be carried out. Medications should not affect the growth and development of permanent teeth. An X-ray of the tooth can be taken to get a more accurate understanding of the overall situation and allow for further treatment. In daily life, try to avoid eating sweets at night and brush your teeth regularly in the morning and evening. Wishing you a pleasant life.