
After the exam, my child came back quiet and lacking energy, saying he had a cold and fever, took cold medicine but it didn’t improve, said his mouth had no taste, no appetite to eat, coughing. On the third day, I took him to the hospital for three days of shots, when I asked him when it started, he said it was on the 17th with a fever, had nightmares about ghosts. In recent days, he often wanted his mother to be with him, I suspect he might have psychological issues, so I took him to a big hospital for psychological counseling and a thorough checkup, the doctor only said to pay close attention, and when we got home, I found that nine of our chickens had died, and he cried sadly.


If organic diseases can be ruled out, this situation is often considered to be caused by excessive mental stress leading to mental health issues. It is recommended to communicate well with the child’s teacher to understand their school situation. In addition, pay more attention to your child’s emotional state and avoid letting them be influenced by negative emotions. You can spend more time doing things that make them feel relaxed and happy, and communicate with them well. Do not put too much pressure on your child; stress can lead to poor mental health. Communicate more with others and watch positive books and TV shows. Arrange your own rest time reasonably.