
A six-month-old baby is taking ceftriaxone for adenoid hypertrophy and has developed bowel dryness after taking too much of the medication. Now, when the baby eats, food is expelled quickly, usually within two hours, and the stool appears in pellet-like form. What should be done to regulate and improve the current bowel dryness condition?


Based on the description, the baby’s constitution shows heat signs, and traditional Chinese medicine treatment may be more effective in this situation. You can try giving Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid to achieve the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. If the effect is not significant, it is recommended to consult a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for a differential diagnosis and treatment before giving specific herbal opsonize. At the same time, it is suggested that the baby drink more water and maintain a light diet. These suggestions are intended to help with the issue of “a six-month-old baby with adenoid hypertrophy taking an excessive amount of ceftriaxone” and wish for good health.