A 6-year-old girl began to complain of a sore throat and, despite taking medication, the symptoms did not improve. She then started to have a fever of 38.5 degrees Celsius. After two days of ceftriaxone treatment at the outpatient clinic, the fever did not subside, and she had another fever spike to 39 degrees Celsius after the fever-reducing medication wore off. How should this situation be handled?
For the question regarding a 6-year-old girl who has a sore throat that does not respond to medication and develops a persistent fever of 38.5 degrees Celsius, it is recommended to visit the hospital for an examination as soon as possible. While ensuring comprehensive nutrition, timely cooling measures should be taken. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, it is best to use physical cooling methods, such as fever-reducing patches, which have minimal side effects and are effective. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you good health!