A child experienced a decrease in fever symptoms after receiving intravenous injections, but soon after, the fever returned. The child’s blood test showed an increase in bacterial markers. The child has a fever but feels cold in the feet, and there was also a similar fever situation the day before, accompanied by vomiting. Is this repeated fever frequency normal?
Based on the described symptoms, it is considered possible that the child may have a cold. It is suggested to use Phenylbutazone or Cefradine for treatment. During a cold, it is advisable to avoid eating very cold fruits and cold drinks. During the fever phase of a cold, it is also recommended to avoid fatty and spicy foods, as well as sweets. When the cold enters the recovery phase, spicy foods such as chili and lamb should also be avoided. For summer dampness colds, in addition to avoiding high-fat foods, it is also recommended to avoid overly salty foods such as pickled vegetables and pickled yellow flower fish.