
I’ve been having diarrhea with greenish or yellowish stools for nearly a week. I can’t sleep well because of the constant urge to go to the bathroom… Even after drinking Montmorillonite Powder, I still have diarrhea. It’s been nearly a week, and although the stools are not very frequent, they just keep coming. What could be the cause, and what should I do?


Generally, persistent stomach pain and diarrhea are often considered symptoms of damp-heat, which are often caused by poor diet habits. For your condition, you might consider using Ge Gen Qin Lian Wan (Radix Puerariae and Scutellariae Combination) for cooling and drying dampness and relieving diarrhea. Additionally, you can take Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan and Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan for oral treatment. Wishing you a healthy recovery.