
The baby is three months old and may be prone to sweating due to having a lot of hair. There has been eczema around the ears, with purulent scabs. Danshen Fen soft cream has been used, but recently, the baby’s crying has become severe, and they don’t sleep well during the day either; they just cry and want to be held. I thought it was gas or indigestion, but today I suddenly noticed that there is some swelling and hardness around the baby’s ears, specifically around the earlobes and at the back, and when I pressed on it, it seemed to hurt.


The appearance of hard lumps behind the ear is a relatively common occurrence, possibly due to sebaceous gland swelling or lymph node enlargement. Lymph node enlargement is often associated with inflammation. It is recommended to drink more water, get adequate rest, avoid adverse stimuli, supplement vitamin C, maintain hygiene, and investigate the cause. These are suggestions for the question ‘What should be done when a three-month-old baby has excessive hair?’ I hope this helps you; wishing you health!