
My daughter is 6 years old and has recently been experiencing throat pain and difficulty swallowing, which may indicate tonsillitis with low-grade fever. What dietary precautions should I take?


For dietary precautions for children with tonsillitis, here are the recommendations:

  • Increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits: These are rich in vitamins that help boost immunity and improve symptoms. It is recommended to choose fruits like pears, watermelons, tangerines, pomelos, green leafy vegetables, and tomatoes.
  • Choose easily digestible foods: Incorporate easily digestible foods such as congee and noodles into your daily diet.
  • Drink plenty of water: Ensure your child stays well-hydrated.
  • Reduce or avoid eating stimulating foods such as mutton and dog meat: Stimulating foods may irritate the immune system and exacerbate inflammatory reactions.
  • Cultivate good lifestyle habits: Maintain a regular sleep schedule, engage in moderate exercise, improve immunity, and reduce the incidence of diseases.