
Does a mild pigeon chest in a four-year-old girl indicate rickets? The girl’s chest appears more prominent when wearing tight-fitting clothing, but the symptoms are not severe. This condition has been noticed since she was over one year old. However, after two visits to the local county hospital, pediatricians have indicated that there is no major concern. The parents have been worried about this, feeling that the doctors have not identified the issue and may have delayed treatment.


Rickets is common in infants and young children, especially those between six months and one year old. If vitamin D and calcium are lacking during this period and not supplemented promptly, it may lead to skeletal issues such as pigeon chest, wrist bands, or X or O-shaped legs. Once these skeletal problems arise, they are often difficult to completely correct. Therefore, it is recommended that infants should be supplemented with vitamin D and calcium supplements early on to prevent skeletal deformities caused by calcium deficiency.