
A 3-year-old boy has just started to complain of pain when swallowing. He also has a slight cough and a bit of fever, lacking in energy. How should pediatric tonsillitis be treated?


To effectively treat tonsillitis, it’s advisable to choose symptomatic medications with anti-inflammatory properties under a doctor’s guidance. For localized treatment, laser therapy or medication irrigation is recommended. If the main symptom is throat pain, consider administering painkillers. For those with low-grade fever, physical cooling (temperature reduction) can be applied. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5°, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly. Tonsillitis is characterized by recurrent episodes; if similar situations occur, surgery can be considered after the inflammation is controlled. During the treatment period, it’s crucial to ensure the child stays warm and to avoid exacerbating symptoms by catching a cold.