
My baby is 4 and a half months old, and the doctor diagnosed a calcium deficiency and prescribed two bottles of Vitamin AD drops. However, my baby has been taking brain-boosting fish liver oil since 3 months old. I would like to ask if the two have the same effect, and can they be given together?


Based on your description, your baby’s condition may be due to rapid growth and development or a lack of essential minerals such as calcium. This situation requires supplementation with calcium. Since children grow and develop rapidly, if they do not consume enough essential minerals, it may affect their growth and development and lead to symptoms such as night sweats. You can use drugs such as Longmu Zhuanggu Pill and Pediatric Fish Liver Oil to treat this condition, which usually works well. Vitamin AD drops and brain-boosting fish liver oil are both fish liver oils, so you only need to choose one of them, avoiding the use of both to prevent excessive intake that could lead to poisoning.