
Can a two-and-a-half-month-old baby receive intravenous treatment? The baby has had some mild coughing since two and a half months, and after taking medication for two days, symptoms of coughing up phlegm and runny nose have persisted. Past treatment and outcomes: Medication treatment was ineffective. Assistance sought: How to treat, can such a young baby undergo intravenous treatment?


Coughing in infants is a protective respiratory reflex action. Coughing is a non-specific symptom of many diseases. Coughing is a symptom, and recurrence of coughing is often due to inflammation of the respiratory tract. It is usually recommended to take azithromycin and strong loquat syrup or lung-cleansing syrup, which have good effects. The above suggestions are for the question “Can a two-and-a-half-month-old baby receive intravenous treatment?” I hope this helps you, and wish you health!