
A 14-month-old baby is in good condition during the day but often cries during her afternoon nap at night. Lately, the baby cries while her eyes are closed, for about an hour, then wakes up and continues to cry. The baby needs to drink milk to fall back asleep, but she wakes up again shortly thereafter, repeating this cycle throughout the night. She used to sleep soundly all night, but this sudden change has occurred over the past few days. What should be done?


Based on the description, it is recommended to give the baby a bath and a massage before bedtime to help her relax. The baby’s deep sleep environment should be as quiet as possible, with curtains drawn during daytime naps. Soft music can be played and lights dimmed before bedtime to aid in the baby’s deep sleep. Avoid overexcitement before bedtime, as it may affect sleep. Supplement vitamin D daily, get plenty of sunlight, and consume an appropriate amount of calcium. Check for trace elements to determine if there is a calcium deficiency.