
Started having a fever yesterday afternoon, initially at 37.5°C, and by evening, the fever rose to 38.7°C. Then, in the middle of the night, the temperature slightly decreased. The child is drowsy, constantly wants to breastfeed, drinks plenty of water, but cries and fusses little. The cheeks are flushed red, and the child prefers to sleep while being held. By this morning, the body temperature has returned to normal.


A child’s fever is a symptom or phenomenon that serves as an alert when the baby feels uncomfortable, but it is not a disease itself. If the baby has a slight fever of around 38°C but is still in good spirits, there’s no need to rush to the doctor immediately. You can first provide care at home without giving the baby fever-reducing medicine. Just purchase liquid foods and fluids for the baby. Allowing the baby to recover naturally can actually enhance their immunity.