
A boy, 2 years old, has just started to complain of pain when swallowing, accompanied by a slight cough. Additionally, he’s been running a low fever. How should the discomfort from pediatric tonsillitis be treated?


Generally speaking, if it’s pediatric tonsillitis, it’s effective to give the child some symptomatic antibiotics. If the child’s condition is more severe, regional treatments can be combined, including tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injections. If the child has a sore throat, painkillers can be administered as needed. Some children may also have a fever, in which case oral fever-reducing medication can be given. If the symptoms persist, it is imperative to seek medical attention. In cases of recurrent acute severe episodes or those with complications, it is recommended to perform tonsillectomy after the acute inflammation subsides for two weeks. Lastly, parents should pay attention to this disease and take their children for medical treatment as soon as possible. In addition, it’s important to pay attention to relevant preventive and health care measures on a daily basis.