
My baby is seven months old and has a bit of nasal congestion and cough. There is no fever. I have given her some traditional Chinese medicine for the common cold and anti-inflammatory medication for several days, but the nasal congestion has not improved. How should I handle this?


Based on the description, the seven-month-old baby is experiencing symptoms of nasal congestion and cough without fever, which is initially suspected to be caused by a cold due to catching a chill, possibly from a viral infection. Since the symptoms are mild and there is no fever, it is recommended to administer oral antiviral medications such as ribavirin granules, Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid, and to complement with pediatric cold granules. At the same time, the baby should maintain a light diet, avoid greasy foods, drink plenty of warm water, and pay attention to staying warm to prevent further exposure to colds. If the symptoms do not improve or worsen, it is advised to take the baby to see a doctor as soon as possible.