
I found that my baby has phlegm in the throat two days ago, always making a whistling sound. Today, there is a bit of coughing, but everything else is normal. Lately, there has been facial allergy, with many red or clear small blisters on the face, looking flushed. The health office said it was an allergy caused by air particles, and I’m not very clear about what kind of help I can get: Is the cough caused by the phlegm? What should I do? How should I treat the facial allergy?


From your description, it seems that your child’s condition may be due to a bacterial infection that has caused bronchitis, leading to coughing and phlegm. There is also facial skin allergy. Your child’s condition now requires active treatment for this bronchitis. I suggest using Shifuzi, Children’s Qingfei syrup, and other medications for treatment, and pay attention to keeping warm and drinking plenty of water, which will help the condition heal naturally. Additionally, you can use skin cream to treat the allergic condition on the face, which should yield good results.