
Can a baby over 40 days old start having egg yolk? Can they drink rice gruel? Is it time to start introducing complementary feeding? I had a pregnancy test that showed a weak positive for cytomegalovirus at five months. I’m not sure if my child will be infected. If so, what symptoms might they experience?


For a one-month-old baby, there is no need to introduce egg yolk or rice gruel; all their nutritional needs are met by breast milk or formula. Egg yolks and other complementary foods such as vegetables and fruits should be introduced after the baby is four months old. It is recommended not to introduce egg yolk at this stage, as it may lead to diarrhea in the baby. Apart from that, there are no other precautions to take. These are the suggestions for the question “Can a baby over 40 days old have egg yolk?” I hope this helps you, and wish you health!