
A full-month-old baby often needs to feed during the day, and it seems like they are never satisfied. During the last expressed milk feeding, the baby drank 150 milliliters and still felt unsatisfied, with their mouth searching for more milk. Is it really true that full-month-old babies have such a large appetite? I feel like I can’t keep up, and it’s causing a lot of stress. I only express the remaining milk at night when the baby eats less. What is this situation? How should I handle it?


There is no fixed pattern for how often babies this young feed. Their stomach capacity is actually quite small, leading to multiple feeding sessions. Some babies may have a naturally better appetite and larger stomach capacity, resulting in more milk intake. Please carefully observe your baby’s condition. If there are no abnormalities, you can feed them according to this amount. Keep a close eye on your baby and wish them health. The above suggestions are in response to the question “How Much Milk Should a Full-Moon Baby Take at One Time?” and I hope they are helpful to you. Wishing you health!