
The five-month-old baby has had diarrhea for nearly half a month, with symptoms of yellow, sticky stools accompanied by bubbles, having bowel movements six to seven times a day. The baby has lost a pound of weight and has not grown in a month. The baby has recently shown decreased appetite and drowsiness. Although the baby has taken Montmorillonite powder, there has been no improvement. After taking probiotics, there are milk curd-like substances in the stool. What should be done?


Based on the description, it is suspected that the baby may be suffering from diarrhea due to dyspepsia. Since infants’ gastrointestinal function is not fully developed, dyspepsia is more likely to occur. It is recommended to give the baby oral probiotics and Bacillus cereus capsules, drink plenty of warm water, and provide light, easy-to-digest foods. Avoid giving cold, hard, or spicy foods that are irritating. Take small meals frequently to prevent overeating. Pay attention to keeping warm, especially protecting the abdomen from cold. I hope my suggestions can help you.