
My last menstrual period was on November 18, 2018, and I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks and 3 days, where there was no fetal pole or heartbeat. The doctor advised me to come back in two weeks, and today I came for a follow-up checkup. The ultrasound still showed no fetal pole or heartbeat. On December 23, 2018, I had a thorough examination of progesterone and HCG levels, which were all within the normal range. Moreover, since conception, there has been no bleeding or abdominal pain. Is the child’s growth and development stopping? Why is this happening? What should I do next?


If your last menstrual period was on November 18, it is normal to not see a fetal pole or heartbeat at 6 weeks and 3 days. However, at over 50 days pregnant, it should be possible to see a fetal pole and heartbeat. If you’re not reassured, you can go to a higher-level hospital for another follow-up ultrasound. If it is confirmed that the fetus is not growing well, consider a miscarriage. There are many reasons for fetal growth arrest, including chromosomal factors, endocrine factors, and environmental pollution. If you plan to conceive again, make sure to have a detailed chromosome test and the four prenatal checks. Males should undergo a semen analysis.