
A six-month-old baby has been repeatedly coughing for the past three months, with phlegm in the throat, and the condition has fluctuated between good and bad. The baby has started coughing again recently. The mother also has a cough, but the phlegm is clear. The effect of medication treatment has been unclear, and the baby is still being breastfed. How should this be handled, and is it necessary to take other medications?


Since the baby’s immune system is relatively weak and they are continuously experiencing coughing and phlegm, it is important to be cautious about the possibility of developing pneumonia. It is recommended to take the baby to the hospital for an in-person diagnosis as soon as possible, where the doctor will listen for any abnormal lung sounds and conduct chest X-rays and routine blood tests, among other examinations, to further guide treatment. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish you and your baby good health!