
The 5-month-old baby has diarrhea. It recurs during medication. What’s going on? There were signs of improvement on the third day, but by the fourth day, the diarrhea had become watery. Is this normal? Medication has not been stopped.


Based on the information you provided, it is suggested that for a baby with diarrhea, the focus should be on keeping warm and adjusting the diet. Temporarily avoid introducing new complementary foods, and the mother’s diet should also be adjusted to include light and easy-to-digest liquid foods. Avoid greasy and irritating foods, extreme coldness, and check for regular bowel movements to rule out other factors. Oral probiotics can be taken, or probiotics can be used for nourishment. If necessary, consider visiting a pediatric acupuncture department for acupuncture treatment. These are suggestions for this issue, and I hope they are helpful to you. Wishing you health!